The Backstory


Holly Boyce

Motivational Speaker * Podcast Host *Behavior Change Strategist

What’s up Survivors of Life… my name is Holly Boyce. I am a cancer surviving wife, mom, personal trainer/nutrition coach, and a behavior change strategist to survivors of life. I help women get unstuck from life after its storms. I teach people not only how to create healthy habits but actually stick with them!!!

In 2009, a few days before Christmas, my world was turned upside down with a breast cancer diagnosis at age 30. I thought that was utterly impossible for a young mom of 2 kids under 5 that lived a relatively healthy life. So impossible that I joked on the operating table to give me a “little nip and tuck and mommy makeover while they were in there”. I was not scared nor did I even fathom that the laughter they had in the OR would soon turn to somber stares and tears from my shocked family.

I underwent almost a years worth of treatment with chemo, radiation, and the whole nine yards. I hated every second of it so don’t misunderstand what I am about to say…Having cancer was the best thing that has ever happened to me. Yep, you read that right! I took so much more from our time together than it took from me and every day I am reminded by my scars that I am one lucky but powerful lady blessed to open her eyes each day.

Now my mission is to inspire people to push through the hard stuff, to create life after chaos, and show them that they can TAKE BACK THEIR LIFE no matter what has happened to them.

Cancer was a crappy but valuable lesson. My superpower now is showing you how truly amazing you are and how you CAN have it all despite what has happened in your life. Can’t wait to talk more my friend!

xoxox Holly

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Richland, WA
